Walking in This World for Women in Business


Last week I walked over 60 miles, most of which around my kitchen!  Why would I do that?  Because I am a sucker for a good competition and it motivated me to get moving...which in a lock down is a really good thing.

Around day three of my walking challenge I began to zone out as I listened to music lapping my kitchen.  And that is when the magic really started to happen.  I slipped into a creative zone and along with a feeling of peace and comfort I was hit by inspiration.  

As a business owner and entrepreneur in these uncertain times it is easy for my sense of possibility to shut down.  With so much unknown it can feel hard to imagine any other way of being.  But creative thinking is essential for business owners.  It's why and how we began our business's in the first place, and it is one of the main ingredients that keeps us excited and driven enough to keep getting up and showing up in our business.  

If we don't nurture and...


Mavens Do it Better Interview


 In this episode Heather interviews Marianne Emma Jeff, CEO of The Women’s Business Momentum Center and author of Brand Me! and The Get it Done Diva's Guide to Business.


Heather Newman is a marketer, writer, speaker, playwright, Microsoft MVP and lover of culture and "the why". She has worked for over 20 years in technology and the arts.

When not roaming the world speaking on technology, seeking out her favorite musicians, and raising a fist for equality you can find her in her HQ in Marina del Rey, CA.

Tune-in to hear their conversation on:

If you can't say it, you can't call it that - How her books The Get it Done Diva's Guide to Business and Brand Me! came about.

The Elements of Momentum - The five stages Marianne uses with The Women's Business Momentum Center.

Permission to Change - How missing a hot yoga class was a wake-up call for her and led her to give herself...


Are You Having FUN Every Step of the Way to Your Goals?


I have been setting goals for many, many years AND I have never had so much FUN and created so many opportunities as I am this year.  I couldn't resist sharing.

Maybe my story will remind you how much FUN you are having with your 2019 goals or perhaps it will invite you to bring a little more FUN to the party, everyday.


In the video I mention a lot of FUN resources.  Here are links so you can PLAY with them too :)



Transform Your Life with Sandylu & Friends

Here is a clip from my appearance on "Transform Your Life with Sandylu & Friends".  Click here to watch the whole interview.


Getting in Momentum - KGX Talk Radio with John Sloan


Rock Your Speaking


Is it time to be seen as the expert and leader you truly are?  What might be getting in the way of you Rocking Your Speaking and how can you get in MOMENTUM? 

Speaking is a powerful tool to use in your business if it is done correctly.  Marianne Emma Jeff, #1 Best Selling author of Brand Me!  Mastering the Art of Business Story Telling shares some ideas and tips in this article and accompanying VIDEO (above).

Why is speaking such a powerful tool?

If you use story telling in your speaking you amplify your voice, your message and yourself 10 fold.  However many speakers feel an obligation to teach at us.   When speakers do this they distance themselves from their audience instead of drawing them in. 

Instead if you embrace story telling in your speaker you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Build relationships quicker!  When you share who you are (especially if you are a little vulnerable) you build relationships much...

Happiness is...


Yes you can be a High Performer and focus on happiness.  Learn how in this video.


Selling 101


Sales is actually quite simple.  It's like an omelette you begin with a few key ingredients and then add on any extras.  Today we are often so tantalized with the "extras" we forgot what the basic ingredients are.  Here is a quick reminder.


Don't Take the Exit!


Business is full of distraction, interruptions and frustration.  Watch this quick video to help you stay on track.


50% Complete

Two Step

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